The Folding Space Conduction Ensemble explores the Conduction Lexicon established by the maestro Lawrence D. “Butch” Morris and passed on to Carlos Santistevan by the great JA “Dino” Deane.
Carlos Santistevan played bass and electronics in OUt of Context, the longest-lived and deepest developed Conduction ensemble in history led by JA “Dino” Deane for over 10 years. During this time, Carlos was gifted a deep knowledge and understanding of the works and legacy of Butch and Dino. Shortly before Dino’s passing in 2021, Dino entrusted the archives of Out of Context to Carlos Santistevan. Carlos has digitized and studied over 100 rehearsals and is culling over many recordings to release a series of Out of Context LP’s to preserve Dino’s legacy. The first LP will be from a raucous performance at the High Mayhem Festival from 2006. This LP will be release on April 27, 2025 at The Outpost Performance Space in Albuquerque NM.
After working on the archives for a couple years, Carlos had an awakening that he too must take up the baton and serve the role of a Conductor and continue pushing the Conduction Lexicon into an active and vibrant space in music. The group began in Spring 2024 and will debut on April 27, 2025 at The Outpost Performance Space in a Tribute to JA Dino Deane.
The Folding Space Conduction Ensemble Consists of:
Carlos Santistevan- conductor
David Forlano- electronics/sampling.
Rosie Hutchison – violin
Marya Errin Jones- vox/electronics
Sean Kennedy – tuba
Keely MacKay-cello
Alex Neville- electric bass
Ben Tempchin – electric Guitar
Milton Villarrubia III – drums/percussion
For the Out of Context LP release, the Folding Space Ensemble will expand and include 6 members of Out Of Context:
CK Barlow – – live samples
John Flax -text
Katie Harlow- cello
Joseph Sabella – vibes
Alicia Ultan- viola
Jefferson Voorhees – drums/percussion